Tuesday, 16 August 2011

207 kms.... Farm animals are sometimes not friends

This is Adam's mom Ann. Short blog tonight as Adam is too tired to blog. He had another good day. Another day of great weather with a solid wind from the northwest. He found some more horses but they were not interested in having a 17 year old take them for a ride. Guess I should find some ranch to stay at before we leave the prairies so he can go for a proper ride on a horse. We stopped on Caronport tonight about 20 west of Moose Jaw. Tomorrow we stop in Regina for some media and a bike store so he will not get as many kms in. He will poat a more interesting blog tomorrow.


barb p said...

Ann you're a hero here too for all of the support you're giving Adam. Our best to both of you Road Warriors! What an amazing feat.

Ann Marcotte ( not your Mom) said...

Ann and Adam: Go with the wind,what amazing mileage you are putting on. Ann enjoyed hearing about the support side of the trip the other night - you can start a new reality show "cooking on the side of the road". Good luck today and Adam bask in the media lime light.