Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Interesting article

Hello once again,

I don't normally do this but I thought this article was informative and could be of some use to a cancer patient. I will post the article at the end of this post.

I have finished my second day of classes and am still loving my new life. The days are filled of new experiences and the nights are pretty hilarious. My faculty is like a big family which is really cool. Most of my friends are from my class and the guys are all already really tight. I signed up for the Terry fox run this Sunday, I think its 10km? I won't run sub 40 because I am still not too into constant suffering. Its the day after the infamous "home coming" at Queens so it will be interesting...I went for a ride the other day and it was the weirdest experience. My legs felt so awkward and large haha I think they have almost fully recovered. I blow past cars at 50km/h pretty easily. I want to go for a swim tonight and enjoy the facilities offered at the ARC. The campus here is a beautiful array of buildings. There is a lot of history and tradition and it makes a unique experience for a new student such as myself. My experience is very different from most though because many people already know who I am and I am getting contacted to do several things on campus. The ride was the real "dangerous women". She had so much to give and take, She almost took it all but I never tend to let women get too close haha I am now reaping the benefits of the ride in ways I never considered. I will always be so happy that I contributed to improving peoples life's. Few people know this but I saved 3 peoples lives. Each had a unique issue and extremely serious problem in there life. Saving someones life was my goal ever since I was 8. I was a weird kid haha I imagined jumping in front of a bus to grab a baby and carry it to safety. Turns out that wasn't the case ! haha I look at counselling like a problem that always has a solution(thats how I look at most problems) I found out very early that if you get emotionally involved situation it can really put a damper on your life. I  feel like I have learned so many life lessons and I am only 18. I guess I just got lucky on that part. Some life lessons you never want to experience first hand and some you do. People ask me if I would do the ride again. At this point I would say no, that doesn't mean I regret it though. I think if I knew how much pain I had to go through to reach Queens I would have never been able to face it. Since I had no idea what each day would bring I was able to roll with the punches. One of the most components to my success was my ability to adapt to the situation. I went through hell and back daily and I would have failed in the first 45min if I didn't have that skill. Peter from Vancouver, I don't know if you still follow this thing. I just wanted to thank you for helping me out. What you did was more than just buying me sunscreen and draw on a map. You changed my thoughts on the ride and made me believe I could do it. Once that occurred the ride, I knew the ride would be a success. Thanks again...here is that article.

The Importance of Maintaining Health When Dealing with Cancer

Receiving a diagnosis of cancer is an overwhelming experience. The treatments necessary to battle the condition can be debilitating to the person who is undergoing the therapy. Cancer is a condition that is both emotionally and physically draining.

Several studies have shown strong evidence that a person who is healthy has a higher chance for a positive outcome than those that do not. The health of an individual includes nutrition, exercise, and mental or emotional support.

Many of the therapies involved in destroying the cancer can also attack the body as well. This creates a situation in which the body has a health strain that is multiplied several times over. Not only does the body have to fight the cancer, but it must also fight the negative effects of the medications being utilized. An individual’s immune system has amazing abilities, but it needs the correct help.

By providing good nutrition to the body it is able to maintain a strong immune system, and rebuild weak or damaged tissue that is a result of the cancer. It is a well-recognized fact that certain nutrients such as lean proteins and antioxidants are especially important to the proper function of the body. It can be very hard to maintain good eating habits when dealing with this disease due to the symptoms of the cancer or the therapeutic approach. An oncologist will often refer their patients to a nutritionist to help them gain insight into what will aid their treatment and recovery.

Exercise is also a very important factor since the lymph system uses body motion to circulate the cells, which aid the body’s defenses. Circulation itself is important since the blood carries the nutrients that are necessary to care for the ailments of the anatomy. Being active can be extremely difficult especially when suffering with the symptoms of rare and extremely deadly cancers such as mesothelioma, but is essential in achieving a better life expectancy.

Stress and other forms of emotional distress are a normal part of dealing with cancer unfortunately it has a negative effect on the body. People who find outlets for these feelings aid their general well-being. It can be a great assistance to go through counseling, yoga, meditation, and other approaches.

By: David Haas

Enjoy your life! I am starting to feel as though mine is flying by.

Your friend



Anonymous said...

Hello Adam. Congratulations, you are an inspiration to a lot of people. We are glad you made it all in one piece. Hope you can finish this year in the same way it began. Enjoy your studies.
Le Roux's from Creston

Jules said...

Hey Adam!
I never got to congratulate you on your ride and say welcome to queens!
It has been great following your blog!
I think I mentioned earlier, that I too, finished a bike ride (across USA) for cancer as well, and honestly, nobody quite understands it, until they've been on a bike for 7-8 hours a day.. where your emotions get stripped down, where wearing spandex out in regular activities is normal etc etc. haha

I just got my bike shipped up to me in Kingston from home this week, and there's really nothing more amazing than being back on that same bike seat that you hated but loved at the same time.

Nonetheless, I hope your studies go well and you'll continue with your cancer advocacy! Maybe I'll see you around town on my bike! :)

Adam said...

Hey Jules,

If your willing I would love to go for a ride with you at some point and hear about your trip! If your a student I am sure life is very busy but I think we can find time. Add me on Facebook and we can go from there.